Welcome to The Slow Novel Lab!

I'm so glad you're here. Below is a list of requests from me and useful things to know.

  • You'll soon receive an email from Fer, The Slow Novel Lab's TA, welcoming you to The Lab and walking you through the sign up process for the community forum.
  • Please take a few minutes to answer a short survey. It will help me understand how to best support you during our weeks together and what times of day are best for the video chats.
  • You'll be receiving your first official class email from me on 10/4 with some welcome materials via an email from hello@ninalacour.com. The class officially begins on 10/11. The first video chat will be on 10/15. (The time will be announced once the surveys are in.)
  • If you're into social media, find us on Instagram, where we celebrate and commiserate, set intentions, and share resources, encouragement and inspiration. You can also connect with us by using the hashtag #slownovellab.

That's all for now! You'll hear from Fer very soon, and I'll be in touch with you on October 4th. Don't hesitate to email us with any questions you have, and I look forward to learning about you through your survey results.

All my best,


P.S. If you ever need to access your Memberspace plan, this is where to go: https://ninalacour.memberspace.com/member/sign_in